Exciting news! My second short story, “Do Not Pass Go” has just been published in the new anthology, Crime Wave: Dangerous Games.
This is the third anthology published by the Canada West chapter of Sisters in Crime, and is filled with wonderful stories of crime, criminals and the games they play. Or play on others.
“Do Not Pass Go” was inspired by the housing crisis in Canada. In it, a reformed criminal gets pushed back into a dangerous world when she’s threatened with eviction. It’s as much a buddy story as a tale of crime. Let’s call it Lucy and Ethel, with Timbits.
You can listen to an excerpt from the story on Joanna Vander Vlugt’s podcast, Sam Magazine. Here’s the link: https://jcvartstudio.podbean.com/e/dangerous-games-sisters-in-crime-canada-west-anthology-part-1/